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Home » Nakuru County launches Subsidized Artificial Insemination Program towards boosting dairy Production

Nakuru County launches Subsidized Artificial Insemination Program towards boosting dairy Production

Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika has launched the Nakuru County subsidized Dairy Artificial Insemination towards boosting production in the sector.

Lands CECM John Kihagi represented Governor Susan Kihika during the launch at Keringet, Kuresoi South.

“We urge farmers to make good use of the equipments,” stated the CECM.

He also called on financial institutions to continue supporting farmers.

In a Governor Kihika’s speech read by the CECM, the county shall continue to support the dairy sector and value chain.

Nakuru county has close to a half a million dairy animals and the potential of milk production remains high especially with the improved breeding methods.

The dairy sector supports 120,000 households, actors such as value chain, transporters and retailers providing employment opportunities.

“AI is my flagship project being implemented by Department of Agriculture through Government-private partnership to a tune of Sh 10 million for 2023/2024 Financial Year,” stated Kihika.

In the first phase, 23 co-operatives societies drawn from sub-counties will be involved.

The equipment storing artificial animal semen for insemination.PHOTO/PRISTONE MAMBILI.

Agriculture CECM Leonard Bor stated that the launch is a fulfilment of Governor Susan Kihika’s pledge that she made during campaigns.

“I urge farmers in Kuresoi to ensure they join co-operatives as Government is currently working twitch co-operatives to assist farmers,”  stated the CECM.

The county government has prioritized issues of agriculture from dairy,poultry to Pyrethrum.

“As a docket, we shall have engagement with farmers towards addressing areas that they propose,” he added.

Waweru Nyangi-Chair Nakuru County Dairy Platform (NACODA) called for the need to ensure dairy farmers reap big from their sweat.

On his part Dr.Christopher Auma(Director Veterinary services), noted that this is the first one of its kind in Nakuru.

He added that it is safe and cost effective to farmers.

“We want to ensure improved productivity in the dairy sector. AI will help bridge the gap even as we partner with private service providers,” he stated.

A total 23 co-operatives societies were mapped.

A committee was in place towards realization of the program.

Beth Mbuthia-Director Dairy Board revealed that they had workedhard towards dairy sector.

Senior DCC Kuresoi South Joseph Kimtai Ng’eny, ACC Katam

Area MP Joseph Tonui lauded the government for subsidized AI services.

“This will be a game changer for the dairy farmers,” he stated.

He called on farmers in the constituency to take serious the knowledge gained in the event.

The Lawmaker reiterated that they look forward to processing all foods in the constituency so that farmers can reap big.

Meanwhile, he decried the outbreak of Foot and mouth disease in the constituency which he said should be addressed.

“We need vaccination for our dairy so that farmers cannot suffer losses,” he said.

But according to department of agriculture, Kuresoi South has type O of foot and mouth disease and already vaccination is scheduled for next week.

The Legislator also called on youth to embrace Agriculture.

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