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Home » County Government transforms Molo Bus Park into a more efficient, safe, and user-friendly facility

County Government transforms Molo Bus Park into a more efficient, safe, and user-friendly facility

The County Government of Nakuru under the leadership of Governor Susan Kihika has transformed Molo Bus Park into a more efficient, safe, and user-friendly facility.

The move has seen the residents and traders of Molo laud the County for enabling the facility become a vital hub for those traveling to various destinations.

These enhancements have not only increased the convenience for travelers but have also contributed to the overall safety and functionality of the area.

The transformation includes installation of highmast lighting which is operational enabling the bus park to remain open until late at night as compared to previously, where it would close by 6:00 PM due to total darkness, limiting the operating hours for both commuters and bus operators.

In addition, marking of parking spaces, installation of bollards and the introduction of speed limit marks have been put in place contributing to a safer environment for everyone.

The completed project was handed over to client(county government) in an event witnessed by ward coordinator Daniel Njangara mwangi(Man Speaker),Simon Munene from the office of the MCA and Matatu operators.

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